CBD Oil for pain management: effects, benefits, and uses

What is CBD Oil Used For Anxiety?

CBD or cannabidiol is one of the active ingredients of Cannabis sativa (marijuana). 


What isCBD Oil used for?


This oil usually comes in powder or oil forms. Some therapeutical companies have also started incorporating it with various gels and creams as well as in the form of oral capsules. There are multiple uses of CBD oil, namely:


  • CBD oil's topical application can help prevent an inflammatory condition like acne from aggravating and heal its scar marks.
  • CBD oil has various neuroprotective properties, too, by interfering with serotonin receptors in the brain. It finds its application in treating rare childhood seizures, which don't quite respond to traditional treatment modalities. 
  • It is useful in bringing chronic pain relief in common ailments that affect the aged population like arthritis, muscular pain, any discomfort from spinal cord trauma, and so on.
  • It is found useful in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well. It is also helpful in halting the progression of malignancy and is recently part of various chemotherapy models.


What isCBD Oil used for anxiety?


CBD Oil also comes as anxiety healer and depression buster for people leading a socially and professionally stressful life, which is common in today's world. It lowers rising heart rates and is also helpful for insomniacs who have sleep pattern irregularities. 


Is it legal?


Studies are still in its prime to determine the health risks concerning CBD oil use, but mostly it's found to be a relatively harmless entity with no reports of drug dependency or addiction. The legality of its use remains a question as research is still unclear of its origin and is even illegal in some countries. The use of CBD oil is not quite prevalent in India; more research may open broader horizons in the future.



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